Calculation a di volume a excavation work
Please indicate dimensions inna meters
B - pit depth
Y - pit length
X - pit width
Construction excavation work is digging a pit fi a foundation, a swimming pool or a pond, trenches fi a autonomous sewage system fi a country house, a drainage system or water supply fi a cottage.
Wen yuh a organise excavation work, it very important fi correctly estimate di volume a soil weh yuh a tek weh.
Di cost a excavation work consist a dig di pit or trench itself an tek weh di soil. It worth planning fi move di top fertile layer a soil fi further use inna di garden. Di infertile part a di soil is used fi level di site, backfill di foundation, or be transported off site. Dem determine places fi soil removal in advance.
Please also note seh prices fi dig 1 cubic meter often increase wid increasing depth a work. So di price fram di surface to 1 meter deep an fram 1 meter an deeper can vary even twice. Moving soil is often also a separate expense item. Fi avoid incurring unexpected expenses, discuss everyting in advance wid di contractor.
Tek into account di margin inna di dimensions a di pit fi install di formwork wen yuh a pour di foundation.
By hand or excavator?
Each a dem approach yah have it pros an cons.
Wen yuh a work manually, di excavation can be done more accurately.
Wid inexpensive labor an small volumes, di final cost a manual excavation work maita be less dan wen yuh a rent an excavator an ada special equipment. It easier fi control di size an geometry a di pit.
However, wid significant volumes a soil an speed a work, di excavator often win. In any case, di decision is up to yuh.
Di procedure fi carry out excavation work.
Marking di pit.
Fos yuh need fi mark di area fi di pit or trench. Fi do dis, pegs an a thin cord mark di location a di work pan di surface a di earth. Fi control di geometry, two diagonals a di future pit dem measure - dem haffi coincide.
However, dis a one unprofessional method an it suitable fi marking trenches or fi a relatively flat piece a lan.
Fi more accurate design a excavation work, di following technology is used.
At some distance fram di proposed pit, wooden posts dem dig inna groups a two. (manners). Boards dem fix to dem strictly horizontally, onto which cords dem pull. Try fi secure di boards dem at di same level wid each other.
By moving di cords, accurate markings are achieved. Dem cast-offs yah dem use fi precise installation a strip foundation formwork.
A level, theodolite, laser tape measure or laser level mek di job very easy.
Dig a pit.
If di soil weak or di excavation deep, pay special attention to di safety a excavation work. Inna dis case, di walls a di pit no mek strictly vertical, but wid a slope - fi prevent di soil fram crumbling.
Di walls an bottom a di pit dem control by a level an a sufficiently long batten.
Geometry control.
Wan trick deh fi an exact 90 degree angle. Triangle wid sides 3:4:5 meters (or wid sides weh a multiple a dem numba deh) have one angle a 90 degrees. Put 3 meters pan one side a di corner, 4 pan di ada, an di distance between di points shuda be exactly 5 meters.