Manollo ea litepisi otlolohile zigzag tšepe bowstring
Kena litekanyo tse hlokehang ka millimeters
X - lere bophara ba fa monyetla oa
Y - tlhomamiso bophahamo
W - E le bophara ba litepisi
F - mehato protrusion
C - Palo ea mekhahlelo
Z - The bokima jwa mehato e
A - The bokima jwa bowstring ea
SP - Beha boemo ba ho ba sethaleng pele oa ho boemo mokatong oa mokatong oa bobeli.
LR - Ipehele tataiso ea ho fola. Etsoe litepisi atamela.
Manolotsoeng la boipelaetso litepising tšepe bowstring tsa boqapi le zigzag.
Beha Palo ea liphaephe Profil sahibi khoele eo.
Litekanyo e tobileng ea makolopetso 'ohle.
The angle tsekamelo ea litepisi.
Area mekhahlelo thepa.
Qaqileng metako le litšoantšo tsa thepa ea motheo e lere.
Dikgothaletso bakeng litepisi e mabothobotho.